
  • The Vicar of Baghdad

    For years, Vicar Andrew White has been risking his life to preach for peace on the streets of Baghdad, driving through dangerous and bombed-out war zones to spread his message.

  • Slut-Shaming Preacher

    Brother Dean Saxton caused outrage after preaching at the University of Arizona holding a sign that read "YOU DESERVE RAPE."

  • Profiles by VICE - Trailer

    Profiles by VICE is a weekly window into our eccentric and idiosyncratic world. It airs Mondays on Keep an eye out for the series premiere, coming May 5.

  • Watch This Hero

    When you first start listening to Preacher Phil Snider's speech on gay marriage, you'll probably want to duck out because he sounds like a hateful lunatic who thinks that gays and pedophiles are cut from the same cloth. But stick it out, it's worth it.

  • The Gangster Preacher

    South African preacher Albern Martins really loves a good shout. He has the common preacher habit of standing two inches from your earhole and booming out long, elliptical speeches that encompass God, forgiveness, repentance, gangsters he has known and...
