speculative fiction

  • Valentine's Day

    Huang had a bad feeling. Somehow the live feed of his date had been turned into a public broadcast, and tens of thousands were tapping in.

  • Gynoid, Preserved

    ​"You missed your crowd-funding goal." My heart-engine sputters. My bio-clock chimes. Twenty-four hours left.

  • Re-Homing

    ​We wanted to get a child but it wasn’t in our budget. So we looked online—Bill chose an adorable girl with pigtails and expensive looking eyes. It’s exciting, getting a remaindered child.

  • CES 2067

    A hellish vision of what it will be like to attend CES on its 100th anniversary, courtesy of Sam Biddle.

  • How A Dream Machine Works, Exactly

    The Dream Nexus ported an experimental brainwave receiver, developed by a quasi-national U.S. security thinktank, to current 3D printing technology. Soon I was sleeping with the apparatus attached to my temples.

  • Faster Now

    Some decades ago, neuroscientists discovered that the moment of nowness is actually a composite of everything we've experienced in the past fifteen seconds. Naturally, somebody decided to hack this. Thus were born the now-tweakers.

  • Four Days of Christmas

    Yiwu, China. June 2024. Dispatch from the future factory of Christmas.

  • Disconnect

    You know I love you, and that I have no prejudices against cutting-edge technology. But, I just—I need you as a person. Not as a machine.

  • Why We Terraformed a New Home for Future Fiction

    Why Motherboard just started publishing the best science fiction on the internet.