The Cops Issue

  • Scandinavian Uniform Choice

    Helmet: We keep the helmet in the car, and only use it for bigger operations like demonstrations and for going into Christiania. People tend to throw stones at us there. So we end up using it pretty often. The chinstrap doesn't stay put and it...

  • In The Bag

    "The bag" is NYPD slang for the full uniform. If your bag is in perfectly pressed, crispy condition, you're probably a pussy. Real cops wear busted-out uniforms as a sign of experience and pride.

  • Cobra-91

    After the war in Iraq started, I spent a lot of time supervising "Cobra" counterterrorism cops assigned to chemical & biological warfare response teams in Lower Manhattan-you know, the guys in the bubble suits that scare everyone half to death?

  • Vice Fashion - Cop Encounters

    We'd been smoking like Indians all day long. I was so out of it I felt like I was coming down with an extra chromosome. The police appeared out of nowhere and, at least to me, for no apparent reason.

  • Nose Job

    Let me state for once and for all: our dogs are not addicted. Even a small dose of drugs would most likely be lethal for them.

  • I'm Just a Prisoner

    Most people, both screws and inmates, will agree that the level of rehabilitation in prison is slim to none.

  • Grimewatch

    Grime is officially dead (according to a thread on the Dissensus message board), so we’ve finally decided to take Matt Mason’s advice and have spent the last few months undercover as a hairdresser called Paul in south London’s funky house scene.

  • Junkie Merry-Go-Round

    If you have an addictive personality and you start dabbling with Class A drugs as a way of dealing with your day-to-day problems then the reality is that you stand a good chance of ending up in prison. I should know. I’ve been in 16 of the fuckers.

  • Pink In Blue

    In a recent, publicly-funded questionnaire, the hot news was that among 6,300 Dutch cops only four percent admitted to being gay.

  • Stuck in the Middle

    I’m Dessie. I joined the Police Service of Northern Ireland three years ago and I’m based in Belfast. You may have heard of it. There are sometimes some mild disagreements between Protestants and Catholics here.

  • Uniform Choice

    To all of you who spend three hours a day gurgling over which selection of pastel-shade charity shop tat you’re going to wear for your loser job, just take a look at this and realize how often cops take one look at you and think: “You haven’t even been...

  • Pink In Blue

    In a recent, publicly-funded questionnaire, the hot news was that among 6,300 Dutch cops only four percent admitted to being gay.