  • Are American Drones Al Qaeda's Strongest Weapon in Yemen?

    Things are getting really messy in Yemen at the moment. With soldiers being murdered in their sleep and embassies closing en masse in fear of an imminent wave of attacks and multiple drone strikes, the country seems to be the latest sandbox full of...

  • Is Chinese Big Oil Going to Destroy Ecuador's Amazon?

    To oil and gas companies, the Amazon rainforest is one huge cash cow just begging to be milked. But anyone who'd rather not rid the world of 30 percent of its animal species would probably argue it's a region that shouldn't be destroyed by rich people.

  • Darfur’s Tribes are Killing One Another over Gold and Water

    For the past seven months, warring tribes and armed factions have been waging an intense conflict in North Darfur over the region’s abundant gold mines and other natural resources.
