Volume 16 Issue 10

  • I Survived Waco!

    On February 28, four ATF agents died in an attempt to carry out a search warrant on the Mount Carmel ranch in Waco, Texas. It was home to David Koresh, the leader of the Branch Davidians, an offshoot of the Adventist Christian movement.

  • Bending Genders

    Ever since Leigh Bowery left Melbourne’s Western suburbs for London’s suburbs and passed his style tips on to Boy George, club kids have had to dress like undead drag queens to get noticed.

  • Street Poll

    How do you feel about, you know, current events and stuff?

  • Street Poll

    With all the public groping, it looks like Keating will finally rid us of the royal family for good.

  • Ludlow Street, Mon Amour

    Populated primarily by dive bars, nodding junkies, and boarded-up storefronts, the thought of anything even remotely related to trendiness, fancy clothes, or art happening down here would be pretty hard to believe.

  • Records

    PAVEMENT Crooked Rain,Crooked Rain Best record of 1994 so far. ’Nuff said.

  • Vice Comics


  • Things Fall Apartheid

    South Africa’s first apartheid-free presidential election is finally here, and to punctuate just how important this shit is, citizens have started a civil war so they can kill one another in its honor.

  • This Is Ukhc, Not La

    The British hardcore scene is so exciting at the moment, and weird.

  • Music Reviews

    Two albums from the Melvins in the same year. What have we done to deserve this blessing? Or is it?

  • Preppy In Pink

    If you are a young female person in New York in 1994 and you are not wearing X-Girl, you are not cool. Does that hurt your feelings?

  • I Hate Myself and I Want to Die

    Eight years ago, when Elizabeth Wurtzel began writing her memoir about being depressed at Harvard University, she wasn’t trying to be the poster child for glumness in America. But in the few months since her book has been out, that’s...