
  • Whither Occupy Wall Street

    Right now Occupy Wall Street is filled with a bunch of moderate baby-snatchers.

  • Why Beyonce Doesn't Matter

    "Beyonce doesn't MATTER." I happened to tweet that simple sentence offhandedly last week and was besieged by a wave of protest.

  • Things I Love to Hate

    You don't have to be a hater to hate. Hate is a perfectly valid feeling or response to something you don't like. In fact, I would go so far as to say that hate is necessary.

  • Escapism is the Order of the Day

    What a boring bollocksy bloody world we've been living in lately.

  • Another Tiff Bites the Dust

    Some people say filmmakers shouldn’t critique other filmmakers’ films, but I don’t subscribe to that belief.

  • Tiff Tribulations

    It's TIFF time again. Those ten tempestuous days in September when the world suddenly pulls Toronto into focus and descends on it for its international film festival, picks it clean, and then leaves it as abruptly as it came to wallow in its relative...

  • Paranoia Runs Deep/Into Your Bacon It Will Creep

    Never trust anyone under 30. That’s my corruption of the original phrase “never trust anyone over 30,” attributed to everyone from Bob Dylan to the Beatles, but actually coined in the 60s by free speech activist Jack Weinberger.

  • Canada as the New Evil Empire - Part 2

    I don't want this column to become too Canuck-centric, but as Canada is rapidly becoming the 51st state.

  • Beware the Bieber

    Justin Bieber, arguably the most famous Canadian currently surviving on the planet, crashed a wedding in Malibu last week--spontaneously and completely by accident, I have no doubt, no doubt at all--after ostensibly hearing one of his songs being...