
  • X-Men: Simulation City (Graphic Novel)

    Comic book superstar Ed Piskor has illustrated American Splenor comics and designed characters for Adult Swim's Mongo Wrestling Alliance. He's pretty much the shit, so when he told us about a comic book he drew when he was a kid, we were...

  • Police Dogs in Los Angeles Are Super Racist

    A new study finds that LA Sheriff's Department dogs are biting more blacks and Latinos than white people, despite efforts by the department to reduce the number of minority dog bites in the county.

  • How Would You Like to Evolve?

    So chickens used to have dicks. Who knew? Thinking about all the chickens out there who relish the idea of having a dick, but have been shafted by evolution made me ask myself, "What kind of ways would I like to evolve?" I then got bored of imagining...
