
We Answer Your Questions About 'Death Stranding'

We take on such questions as what is 'Death Stranding'? What is happening in this game? No really, can someone tell me what's going on?
Image from Death Stranding, Norman Reedus' character Sam Bridges sits in a dusty brown landscape, wearing coveralls, and a backpack with various hiking equipment. He's cradling a baby in a pod with a blue glow to it.
Image courtesy of Kojima Productions

The Embargo Zone has been cleared (partially). We can finally talk about Death Stranding, the first game from Kojima Productions, Hideo Kojima's new studio. And to do it, we have Motherboard's own Emanuel Maiberg and Matthew Gault joining us. Austin and Cado have questions, and Rob, Patrick, Emanuel, and Matt have… some answers? There's BTs, BBs, Likes on Ladders, and a plethora of stories of Rob fucking up. We dive deep into the mechanics of the game before getting into early game spoilers at the 36 minute mark. After the break (around 1:20:05) we answer your questions on Death Stranding! You can listen to the full episode below:


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Interaction with you is a big part of this podcast, so make sure to send any questions you have for us to with the header "Questions." (Without the quotes!) We can't guarantee we'll answer all of your questions, but rest assured, we'll be taking a look at them.

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