
Crossing Battle-Lines in 'Your Only Move Is Hustle' and 'The Great War'

Combat in games is pretty great! Wonder if there are any more like this?
Key Art from Your Only Move is Hustle - A blue person weilding nun-chucks jumps towards a red person hold
Image courtesy of Ivy Sly

Rob’s parking garage is falling apart thanks to a cold snap, but still found another way to experience weather in Against the Storm, a roguelite city builder with beaver people. Ren’s checked out Your Only Move is Hustle, a turn-based fighting game that plays like an old stickfight animation, and Patrick’s bopping beats in Rhythm Sprout. Naturally, Rob’s found yet another way to talk tanks, thanks to The Great War: Western Front. After the break, we take a dive into the question bucket to talk pranks, gentrification, and coastal food fights.


Discussed: Against the Storm 15:17, Your Only Move is Hustle 20:45, Rhythm Sprout 26:44, The Great War: Western Front 32:13, The Question Bucket 58:33

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