Volume 13 Issue 4

  • Literary/I Want My DVDs

    There was a time I was way over black-and-white photography. Now I seek it out and feel relieved when I am looking at it, like, “Ah, that’s nice.” Color photos were starting to burn my eyes.

  • Literary Gulag

    Edward Limonov is the leader of the National-Bolsheviks Party, a radical left-wing movement that was outlawed by the Russian Supreme Court, but which has emerged as the leading opposition to President Putin. The NBP’s membership numbers in the...

  • Vice Fashion - Russian Guys Gone Wild

    I eat out every night. The money in promotion over here is ridiculous but there’s no such thing in Russia. I love it here and I hate my own cooking.

  • Drunky Monkey

    In Russia, it isn't just prison inmates who go without heat. One million homeless kids get in on the freezing-their-fucking-balls-off action too.

  • Vice Fashion - Homesick

    In 2004 Chechens took siege of a Beslan school and killed and injured up to 1000 people. There are about 1 million street kids in Moscow, infant death in Armenia is 36 to every 1000 and procreating close to Chernobyl is risky for the next 3 million...

  • The VICE Guide To Russia

    Russia is poisoned. It's poisoned from shitty old cars running on leaded 76-octane fuel and it's poisoned from decades of Soviet waste. Its capital is the largest city in Europe and the most polluted.

  • Vice Fashion - Mail-Order Brides

    The real Russia is in provincial cities and towns like Tver, where we found these girls. They are all members of a local bridal agency (tverromance.com) and would like to marry you.

  • Vice Fashion - True Riggers Don't Play

    And you thought wiggers were bad. At least some of them have met a black guy before and could kind of identify with what it's like to be poor and shat on in America.

  • Electric Independence

    "Vodka for Russians is like a warming water. When it's cold you have to drink a glass of vodka to feel warm-I don't drink vodka to get drunk," says Alexey Orchensky, the 20-year-old Russian genius behind Amen Orchestra.

  • Full Metal Torture

    Over the recent New Year's holidays, Private Andrei Sychyov's superiors tied him to a chair and beat him continuously for hours and hours, taking breaks only to sustain their drinking binge.

  • Russians in London

    Dasha is a 19-year-old Economics student and the only child of a media tycoon from Moscow. With a Hermès Birkin collection that would make Paris Hilton piss in her panties, Dasha loves to blow her family's cash.

  • Playstation Pirates

    Russia is one of the world's largest pirate markets for electronic media. From music and DVDs to video games and software, Russia is ranked right up with world-leaders in piracy China and Indonesia. Fake shit is sold everywhere here!