Axes Of Evil

Photo by KJ

My name is Hampus and I’m 9 years old. I was the “little guy” people have been talking about who got Jon from Dissection’s guitar at the Midsummer Massacre!

Here’s the story: Me and my dad and a couple of people went to Stockholm by bus to see the last ever concert of Dissection. I had listened to them a couple of days before the concert.

We got there, and Nifelheim opened for Dissection. Shit, they were so good! It was easily the best concert I’ve ever seen. And then Dissection played, and they were almost as good! I was banging my head and at the last song Jon held his guitar over his head, then he smashed it to pieces on the stage. Then he threw it towards the audience. It bounced against the rails, and lay in front of the first row where I was. After the concert me, my dad and a friend stayed behind and then a security guard came up to me and asked if I liked this kind of music. Of course I said a BIG YES! He pointed to the guitar and asked if I knew what it was, I said “Sure, that’s Jon’s guitar.” He laughed and then he said “Would you like to have it?” and I said “CAN I!?” and he said “Just wait a little so there’s not so much people around that’ll get jealous.” I got the guitar and the singer from Nifelheim came and took me backstage (a BIG thanks to HELLBUTCHER!). I met the whole band backstage and they all signed “my” guitar (THANKS GUYS!). Jon signed it “To Hampus from Dissection.”

When we walked back out to the bus a lot of people came up and talked to me and took my picture. It felt really good.

I stayed up all the way back to Uddevalla and we didn’t arrive until the morning. Usually I have to go to bed at 10.

Now I have all three Dissection albums. I like The Somberlain the best, I like the songs, but Reinkaos is REALLY good too. All in all I have about 160 albums, yeah, on vinyl. I prefer vinyl. And Metal.

A lot of people have asked me if they can buy the guitar, but it’s NOT for sale, and it never will be. Not for a million.

What I want to be when I grow up? A Headbanger.

The Midsummer Massacre, held at the end of June this year, was the final concert of the Black Metal band Dissection before they disbanded. Sometime between August 14 and 16 Jon shot himself in his apartment in Stockholm.

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