Vox Pops

  • Hey UK, Are You Glad That Margaret Thatcher Is Dead?

    Britain's first female prime minister passed away this morning after a stroke, leaving a relatively mixed legacy behind. I wanted to see whether a mention of the Iron Lady still manages to provoke as visceral a response in death as it did when she was...

  • Hey, Did You Hear the Pope Resigned?

    Pope Benedict XVI resigned on Monday, which seemed like an odd thing to do, considering a pope's resignation usually goes hand-in-hand with the day they stop breathing. We wondered whether anyone in London knew or cared about it.

  • Should Women Be Allowed to Fight on the Frontline?

    Women are great at washing up, looking after the kids, and doing the cooking for their hardworking husbands. We were wondered if it was worth ruining all that good stuff just so they could fight on the frontlines of war. For an answer, we asked a bunch...

  • What's So Scary About Sluts?

    Halloween is the only holiday I’m aware of that is essentially just an excuse for even the most shy and boring girls to walk around self-identifying as prostitutes without getting bitched-slapped by other girls or followed home by skanky men. In an...

  • Which Dinosaur Is the Sexiest?

    Some billionaire guy from Australia named Clive has called a press conference for this Friday, where it's rumored that he'll reveal his intentions to build a real-life Jurassic Park. So, with hopes running high among the dinosaur-loving community that...

  • Hanging Out with Angry, Scared People at the Ian Tomlinson Protest

    Yesterday, London police officer Simon Harwood was found not guilty of the manslaughter of Ian Tomlinson at the 2009 G20 protests. The news prompted mixed reactions. Some wept openly. Others dry-heaved. What everyone had in common were their senses of...