
This week in the White House: A tale of two memos

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This week, President Trump declassified the Republicans’ infamous memo that supposedly offered proof of FBI bias in the Russia investigation but declined to release its Democratic companion; referred to himself in the third person when he tweeted the memo “totally vindicates ‘Trump’”; intensified his feud with the intelligence community by claiming the Russia probe favors Democrats; suggested Democrats who didn’t applaud during his State of the Union address may have committed treason; dealt with some embarrassing split-screens when he gave a speech about the booming American economy as the Dow experienced its biggest single-day drop ever; christened Democratic Rep. “Little Adam Schiff,” who wrote a secret counter-memo in response to Republicans that Trump must now decide whether to declassify; embraced the idea of another government shutdown if he doesn’t get his way on immigration; either fired or accepted a resignation from one of his top aides after allegations surfaced that he beat two ex-wives; told the Pentagon that he wants a military parade — a big one, with tanks; praised the budget deal, which would add hundreds of billions to defense spending; and eventually signed that deal after a five-hour shutdown.

Memory… All alone in the moonlight Day 377 — February 2

  • Trump released the infamous memo that its author, Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, said proves FBI bias against the president. Its mere existence has consumed Washington for weeks. Read the full report on the memo here and on the Democrat-authored memo he blocked here.

  • Polls later showed the hype surrounding the release of the memo gave Republicans exactly what they wanted.

  • Trump’s feud with U.S. intelligence agencies got even more bizarre when he tweeted that leaders of the FBI and the Justice Department (mostly Republicans that he appointed) had “politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans.”

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Russia investigation, solved Day 378 — February 3

  • Trump claimed vindication from the Nunes memo. “Their [sic] was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead),” the president tweeted. “This is an American disgrace!”

An historic day for the stock market Day 380 — February 5

  • Trump had to deal with some embarrassing split-screens while giving another speech on the booming American economy. During his remarks at a Cincinnati factory, the Dow went into a free fall and experienced its biggest single-day drop in history, which wiped trillions of dollars off the market. How’s everyone’s 401(K doing now?

  • Known for his grace in handling criticism, Trump branded Democrats who failed to stand and applaud his State of the Union address last week as “un-American” and even traitors.

  • Trump recycled a derogatory nickname when he dubbed Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff “Little Adam Schiff.” (See: Little Marco Rubio.) The House voted to release a secret counter-memo Schiff wrote in response to the Republican memo Trump declassified. Trump has until Saturday to decide if he wants to declassify that one, too.

  • Although Trump previously said he’s eager to talk to special counsel Bob Mueller, his lawyers ordered him not to, according to a report in the New York Times. They’re worried he’ll lie.

Let’s have a shutdown Day 381 — February 6

  • Trump embraced the idea of another government shutdown if he doesn’t get his way on immigration. “If we don’t change it, let’s have a shutdown,” he said. Trumps wants funding for his border wall without having to offer protections for Dreamers.

  • Trump tweeted out some anti-immigration rhetoric after a professional football player was killed by a drunk driver who’s an undocumented immigrant. “We must get the Dems to get tough on the Border, and with illegal immigration, FAST!” Trump wrote. A prosecutor in the case called Trump’s comments “ghoulish and inappropriate.”

  • The Pentagon confirmed it’s looking into fulfilling one of Trump’s wildest dreams: hosting a full-scale military parade like the one the president saw in France on Bastille Day. Read what veterans, including the retired Navy SEAL who claims to have killed Osama bin Laden , think about that here.

Another one bites the dust Day 382 — February 7

  • Trump’s top aide Rob Porter resigned (or was maybe fired?) reports emerged that two ex-wives had accused him of domestic abuse and told the FBI during his background check. Senior White House officials, however, tried to convince him to “stay and fight,” according to a report from Axios. That makes Porter the fourth person connected to the White House, including the president himself, accused of domestic abuse. Read about the rest here.

  • The budget deal reached by Republicans and Democrats on Wednesday “is so important for our great Military,” tweeted Trump (think: military parade). The agreement, which will keep the government running, will also increase defense spending by about $300 billion.

  • Trump got fired up over some “BOMBSHELLS,” aka newly released text messages between FBI agents who were part of Mueller’s Russia investigation. The texts include numerous instances of effusive praise for James Comey and insults to Congress.

Spin cycle Day 383 — February 8

  • In his auspicious debut at the press briefing podium, White House spokesman Raj Shah refused to reveal what, if anything, officials knew about Porter’s alleged history of violent behavior. Read a timeline of we know, so far, happened here.

  • Shah added that Trump was “surprised,” disheartened,” and “saddened” by the news.

A five-hour shutdown Day 384 — February 9

In the middle of the night, Republican Sen. Rand Paul delayed a vote that forced the government to shut down. By 8:30 a.m. D.C. time, however, Trump tweeted that he had signed a spending bill and that “our Military will now be stronger than ever before.” Also, “JOBS, JOBS, JOBS.” Read what’s in the bill here.