
Featured Work From The Gallery: Week 28

Our new online Gallery provides creative professionals a platform to showcase their portfolio of work, gain exposure, build their network, find collaborators, and become eligible for funding opportunities like The Studio. The Gallery also helps fans of cutting edge creative work to discover new artists and inspiring projects. Each week we’ll be selecting a few of our favorites and bringing you the best of what The Creators Project community has to offer. To have your work featured, submit your tech-powered projects to the Gallery.

Mide Fatanmi: Complex

Videos by VICE

Mide Fatanmi is a young artist and architecture grad from the University of Westminster in London whose digital art caught our attention because it demonstrates architectural visualization at its finest. This visionary, futuristic interior was modeled with 3DS Max, rendered with Vray, and finished off on Photoshop. It almost seems as if Fatanmi has the ability to transcend time and give us a look into the future.

Rafael Fagulha: Kinetic Typography

Third year design student, Rafael Fagulha, at the University IADE in Lisbon, Portugal, put together a simple yet charming short typographic video that spoke to the design nerd inside of us. Kinetic Typography reveals the artist’s creative mind and ability to play around with type while still successfully conveying his message. If you haven’t checked out his work already, we suggest you do.

John Morr: Rey de Rocha

The colorful, energetic vector illustrations created by the Colombian graphic explorer John Morr truly embrace and pay tribute to the biggest Caribbean sound system. This portable sound system in the Colombian coast has been described as “la discoteca de los pobres” and transforms the streets into one giant dance party. The illustrations were created for Shock Magazine and are evidence of the designer’s love for color and motion graphics.