Blake Butler

Blake Butler

  • M. Geddes Gengras Makes Electronic Music for the Last Wild Indian

    M. Geddes Gengras is a staple in the LA experimental music scene. His work gives me the feeling of a computer asleep and orgasming at the same time, conjuring weird worlds of sound that mutate and bleed and dig out tunnels through one another. Gengras...

  • How Many Crystals Do You Have Left Inside You?

    Crystal Eaters, the latest novel by Shane Jones, is not about people jacked on crystal meth, but instead is itself a form of drugs.

  • America Needs Alzheimer’s Funding Now

    While the National Institute of Health spends $3 billion a year on AIDS research, and nearly $4.9 billion on cancer, for Alzheimer’s it spends only $500 million, an enormous drop off for an illness that is already widespread and growing rapidly.

  • Joe Wenderoth Cannot Be Vanquished

    Wenderoth's newest book, If I Don’t Breathe How Do I Sleep, is a dark and peculiar volume you might keep in the same drawer with your Faces of Death tapes and the Flowers of Evil. I talked to him about his new poetry collection and...

  • Underappreciated Masterpieces: Javier Marías’s 'Dark Back of Time'

    I ordered Dark Back of Time from an online bookstore, based almost entirely on the title. I know that goes directly against traditional book-buying advice, but that’s really a hell of a title, and it turned out to be one of the best things I’ve...

  • Are Blake Griffin’s Kia Commercials Psychic Warfare?

    Sometimes I’m surprised Blake Griffin has time to play professional basketball. In just about every other ad throughout every break, there he is, dressed up in a red suit trying to sell you a car made by a company whose name sounds like it should be...