Josh Schneider

  • Learning to Play the Katzenklavier

    What's the katzenklavier? Oh, just a piano made of tortured cats, that's all.

  • Barfing at the Burger King Whopper Bar

    I put every single topping at BK's new Whopper Bar on one burger. As soon as the horrible experiment entered my mouth my tongue instinctively forced it back out in an effort to keep its host alive.

  • A Big Big Suck

    The Internet reveals the suckiest Pixies covers ever. Enjoy.

  • A Big Big Suck

    The other night I went deep into a YouTube k-hole and found the worst covers of "Gigantic," by the Pixies.

  • Mitten Smitten

    In this fraught political climate, even the normally placid Midwest is ready to battle over which state is shaped most like a mitten.

  • Pop Vox - Surveying the Jobsless

    As you know by now, Steve Jobs, the psychedelics enthusiast, tech innovator, and turtleneck-wearer succumbed to cancer two days ago.