Sean Yeaton

  • Eleven Seminal Album Covers As Seen With Google Street View

    _Update: In addition to the initial eleven seminal album covers as seen with Google Street View, I've added the Ramones' 1976 self titled album and the first longplayer by Boston straight edge stalwarts, SSD._The Internet has changed music forever. For...

  • The Singularity (Summit) is Here

    The thing with the singularity is that everyone was really stressed out about it, scared of it or unconvinced of it for a long time. Until it got here. Now people seem more or less contented by the fact that technology is an extension of who they are...

  • The 4S Things That Are Better To Do Than Care About The iPhone 4S

    My iPhone is mostly destroyed. In fact, the glass on it is so mangled and shattered that I've cut myself on it three times. Obviously I need a new phone, but do I give a shit about the iPhone 4S? Only sort of. Here's the thing: I have the 4. A fine...

  • It Did Not Work Out For Me With My Vitamins: The Death of Don Lapre

    Don Lapre, one of television and the Internet's most notorious scam artists, was found dead yesterday morning in an Arizona jail cell. Lapre claimed to have kickstarted his multimillion dollar success story by selling "tiny classified ads" in enough...

  • Kurt Cobain's Goodbye Letter Makes Google Ad Sense

    *Has it really been 20 years and two days since seminal grunge outfit Nirvana released _Nevermind_, the record which, for many, became the battle cry for an apathetic generation hellbent on whining its way into our hearts? Yes, the time really flew by...

  • Watch "Nebulous Theorem": The Philosophy of Speed Freaks

    Jack Costella is a multi-record holder and designer of land speed racers, but he fancies himself more of an artist than a scientist when it comes to engineering his remarkable machines. Costella's chin-rubbing ideations concerning time and mortality...