Vice Beta
  • Regeneration Game

    In part two, we meet the people hoping to get rich off London's regeneration at the MIPIM international property trade show.

  • Regeneration Game

    In part one, we meet British protesters fighting rapid gentrification in the UK, hoping for the chance to live in housing-crisis-hit Newham, England.

  • VICE Meets: Nick Cave

    John Doran sits down with Nick Cave to talk about the release of his new book The Sick Bag Song, an epic poem written, quite literally, on airplane puke bags.

  • eSports - Part Five

    In the final part of "eSports," we join 40,000 screaming fans at the League of Legends world final—the highest-attended eSports match in history.

  • eSports - Part Four

    Superclubs and suicide: the darker side of eSports.

  • eSports - Part Three

    We meet KSI, the UK's ultimate gamer celebrity, and follow Team FNATIC to Gamescom—the biggest gaming event in the world—where they battle it out for Europe's top eSports title.

  • eSports

    Giant stadiums, teenage millionaires, super fans, and addiction: Welcome to the world of eSports.

  • eSports

    We get a crash course from a professional gaming commentator, take a trip to gaming rehab, and try on character costumes at the HQ of South Korea's best cosplay team.

  • Taxi to Mars

    VICE profiles Melissa Ede, a transgender taxi driver from England and a successful applicant to the Mars One project, which plans to relocate her to Mars in the year 2024.

  • We Filmed at UKIP's Insane Party Conference

    Farage's party attracted hordes of protesters to Margate, Kent, where everyone thought everyone else was scum.

  • Picture Perfect: Jack Latham

    The Welsh photographer travels to Iceland to capture areas of interest around the"Reykjavik Confessions" case – in which six people confessed to a murder they didn't commit.

  • Inside the UK's Army Cadet Force

    Advocates say this militarized program helps build character.