
  • An Apocalyptic Shift At Eyebeam [NYC Event]

    In collaboration with Fellow Mary Mattingly’s Flock House Project, Eyebeam is throwing an Apocalyptic Shift.

  • MBTV: JODI Are the Mysterious Pioneers of Net Art

    The brilliantly crazy -- or is it crazily brilliant? -- people behind Jodi have no respect for the Internet. Wait, that's not quite right. They have no respect for the stale, rigid collar corporate mouthpiece that the Internet has become. By...

  • Something Wrong is Nothing Wrong: Jodi.org

    Long before the internet was soaked in a glut of obsessive Flash-happy graphic designers, Jodi was using and abusing web languages to create more than a distinctive style. Taking their cursors off the "undo" button, Jodi took accidental errors in HTML...
