• Sex Church

    Members of the Little Pebble Dohsyuku-kai gather in a cluttered space each morning and await secret messages from the Virgin Mary. Afterward, Jean-Marie lubes up a woman’s belly and pussy with yogurt and has sex with her at an altar as the other...

  • Threesomes Blow

    So you're lying on your back and two beautiful girls are tending to your dink's every need. They are necking with each other and one of them even has high heels on. It's pure bliss. Right? No, it's not. It's boring. Here's why threesomes are a hassle...

  • How Do You Feel About Combining Sex and Food?

    "I'm into it. Meat all the way. Bacon on tits. Then you cook it and eat it. The grease mixes with the sweat, and the fat and meat marble together, and it becomes arousing."

  • Rubbing One Out with a Roommate

    Living with someone else in such close quarters means three things: You are going to smell their shit on a regular basis, at some point you will see one of their pubes in the tub, and you are most definitely going to hear them having sex. (Especially...

  • Mike and Ebone

    These young lovebirds rolled around in Mike's loft bed for a while and then finished each other off in the shower to avoid making a mess. Then they filled us in on the details during a blunt-and-wine-fueled post-coital recap.

  • Brooke Candy Wants to Fuck Right Now

    You just want Fashion Week and all the models to go away so life, work, and social media can finally go back to the way they used to be. It takes a while for the numbness to disappear, and in order to help speed up the thawing process, we've decided to...

  • Reasons to Fuck a Guy on the First Date

    To fuck or not to fuck? I feel like that’s the eternal question among girls, or at least among the neurotic “looking for love” ladies that I associate with (luv u galz!). But if you walk away STD- and child-free at the end of it, I’d say you’re doing...

  • Jinks and Money

    Jinks likes big women. Good thing he's with Money, a lovely BBW who's really only been with one dude—Jinks. We waited outside the bedroom while they enjoyed each other for a while, and then interviewed them afterwards for a sex-session recap.

  • Fat Mike Just Got Nominated For a Porn Award

    We've got the premiere of "Shedonistic Society," his new collab with the Mad Caddies' Dustin Lanker and fetish model Hudsy Hawn, and it's as horny as you'd expect.

  • San Francisco Sex Mecca

    Karley has been feeling oppressed lately by all the negative comments on her blog, like when people call her "God's period" and stuff. Luckily, she has discovered a magical place full of acceptance that's on the other side of America.

  • I Took Female Viagra for a Week

    I was so over fucking my last boyfriend. We were together for four years, and by the third of those my libido was as MIA as he seemed to think my clitoris was.

  • V-Cards

    Karley is frequently asked by readers of her blog about when, how, and with whom they should lose their virginity. But she doesn't always give the best advice because she hasn't been a virgin for a looong time.