
  • How to Throw an 800 Pound Paper Airplane (Use a Helicopter)

    When I was a kid, my friends and I used to spend hours inventing and constructing different paper airplane models in my basement during sleepovers. Sometimes we brought along the latest "book of templates":http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=a9_sc_1?rh=i...

  • Hello, I'm A Civil War Reenactor!

    Bill Cross is a Civil War reenactor with a wide range of battles, ranks, and personae under his belt and the current treasurer of the Rowdy Pards “progressive, campaign living history society.”

  • Craft Time

    "Tina" (aka crystal meth, aka "ice," aka "crushing paranoia and pain powder") has been making a huge comeback in New York lately-and not just with its usual audience of glitter-faced club-kid homosexual people.
