
  • Does the UK's Fitness Community Contain Our Most Progressive Meat Eaters?

    UK website recently added zebra steaks to an already exotic roster of meats in its shop, with all 900 selling out just five hours after launch. They're not the first fitness website to sell protein that's not from a chicken, either...

  • The Darkest Coffee Is Made by a Black Metal Musician

    Tombs' frontman Mike Hill is keenly interested in the occult practice of alchemy. In music, that translates to a combination of hardcore, black metal, and doom metal. With his new coffee brand, that means high-altitude beans and bulletproof brews.

  • A Prehistoric Poo Made Me Think About the Paleo Diet

    A recently discovered fossilized turd suggests that early humans ate their veggies with their meat. Perhaps the paleo crowd had it right all along, but should we really follow early man's example, considering the neanderthals went extinct?

  • Our Protein Obsession Is Getting Out of Control

    If there’s one word in modern diet parlance that immediately draws a bridge with leanness, energy, and high performance, it's protein. We're having a wild love affair with it.

  • How-To: Make Raw Fish Salad

    Chefs Lee Tiernan and Brandon prove that with nice fish and some shaved vegetables, you can make a raw fish salad so good that even your sushi-fearing friends will eat.

  • Drinking Hornet Vomit Makes Me a Better Runner

    Forget energy drinks—drinking powdered giant hornet vomit might be the key to keep you powering through a long workout. At least it did for me.

  • Pale: "Doing My Time" Video

    The elusive London duo have a lot more colour in their cheeks than the name suggests.

  • Your 3D Printed Steak Is Served, But Is It Meat?

    This is actually a thing on the horizon: meat created _in vitro_ by a 3D printer. "2,500 chicken breasts, please. I'll be back in an hour or so." Which is cool and all, but I think we're pretty much past the point of being shocked by the capabilities...
