short story

  • The Forgetful Ghost

    If you claim to like books and reading and don't know who William T. Vollmann is by now, there is even less hope for this thing we call humanity than what can be gleaned from his prose. Bill sent us this great story about an amnesiac spirit which is...

  • Turtle Boys

    David Ohle completely vanished from the literary landscape after publishing his 1972 debut novel, 'Motorman.' 'Turtle Boys' is a hitherto unpublished investigation of the mutant anatomy of turtle boys.

  • A Puzzle

    This is a short story by Lem that has remained unpublished in English until now. Its subject matter concerns a cyborg doctor of magnetics, robotic theology, “Jelly Brains,” and a lot of other esoteric and interesting topics.

  • Quant

    Ross finally saw it on the freeway, just a few miles north of the airport. An animated auto-dealership sign blinked out the fall financing deals against the fading dusk, then flashed to announce SALESMAN OF THE MONTH JIM CURLAN.

  • Welcome

    I finally figured it out and I said it: You want me to leave? I said this because I did have small evidences. The day before they had gotten a little meaner, one of them especially, the bigger one, the one who had earlier been my champion.

  • Two Stories

    Gina Berriault was not just a writer’s writer. She was a writer’s writer’s writer’s writer.

  • The Welcher

    A box of Man Is the Bastard CDs named Dennis was riding a bicycle down the street. At the intersection, he ran into his old friend, a stainless-steel industrial sink named Hans. "Well, fancy meeting you here," said Hans.

  • Janus

    “Well, that wasn’t too bad,” David West muttered as he put the car in gear and pulled out onto the high seacoast road. He was speaking, more or less, to his wife, Vivian, beside him, concerning the ease with which they had just passed the Ventimiglia...

  • Master WLTM Slave

    Andy is the landlord of a pub. It’s a young people’s place, and if I’m with him, those who recognise him look at me respectfully, but if I’m in there by myself, I feel as inconspicuous as an old man in a school uniform.