
  • Chinese Teenagers Are Obsessed with Justin Bieber, Too

    Justin Bieber is in the middle of the Asian segment of his Believe world tour. As well as playing some arena shows, he's marked the occasion by making his groupies carry him up the Great Wall of China and skateboarding around Beijing as his own...

  • The Most Watched Blackout in American History

    For a moment there, the nation's most spectacular and overly mediated pastime—the Super Bowl—got really dark.

  • The Upside to a Giant Gadget Orgy

    To view a trade show like CES solely through the risk-free booths of the big boys ignores the opportunity present to check out what's cooking on the fringes.

  • Why So Many Booth Babes, CES 2013?

    Sure, booth babes are a gimicky grab for attention. But the gimick only works if the audience is male. And the presence of such a gendered gimick only serves to reinforce the idea that the tech world is largely by men and for men.

  • Future Sex: What Booth Babes Say About Tech

    Why so many booth babes, CES 2013?

  • E-Cigars Are Real

    More than anything at this year's Consumer Electronics Show, the e-cigar shows the future is truly here, and it's wonderful.