The Children of the Dragon Issue

  • Carbon Copies

    Identical twins always attract a peculiar type of attention, but these gals were walking mirrors. Their uniformity was uncanny.

  • Cambodian Couture

    The Wild West of the East wants to be known for something other than mass murder and landmarks made of human skulls. That's why in November Cambodia hosted its first-ever fashion week.

  • Unveiled

    In Saudi Arabia, I was invited into a world rarely visited by outsiders--one that is considered off-limits and impenetrable--to lift the abaya and niqab and meet the women underneath.

  • Going Down with the Brown

    Crap has already declared war, and it's winning. Behold just a few of the innumerable examples of how shit can kill.

  • The Mungiki, the Taliban, and Me

    The Mungiki are not only Kenya's most violent and notorious mafia/cult/political movement, they might be the largest gang in the world.

  • Records

    And this is the way music should sound. Like the hottest, toughest girl drove you somewhere on her three-wheeler and now you're getting slow-fucked by a nitrous-filled dildo.