The Fear Issue

  • Conclusive Proof That There Is No God and Humans Are Essentially Evil

    Meet Pony. She is an orangutan from a small village in Borneo, where they cut down the rain forest to render the palm oil that gets sold abroad and made into lip salve, ice cream, chocolates, and cheese crackers.

  • Stick 'n' Burn

    Now that we're confident you all have homemade tattooing down, we thought we'd take the next logical step and explore the fine art of home branding.

  • Bloody, Hairy, And Hot

    You can't just slap on some cat ears, eyeliner whiskers, slutty spandex, and call it Halloween. That shit's for pussies (har har).

  • A Nightmare On Me Street

    Hypnagogia: It’s the phenomenon of experiencing very real and quite often terrifying dreamlike sensations while falling asleep or waking up.

  • Hamas Vs. Fatah

    Young Palestinians basically have two choices: Die for Fatah or die for Hamas. It’s kind of like the extreme political bipolarity in America, except instead of incessant bitching from armchairs, everyone has AK-47s.

  • Agent Orange's Kids

    Philip Jones Griffiths is a Welsh photographer whose book Vietnam Inc. was published in 1971. We think it’s the best book there is about the Vietnam War.

  • Where Did Our War Go?

    Patrick McAleveay enlisted in the US Army in August 1966, when he was 18. He served until August 1969.

  • Shredded By War

    Andy Julien was 18 years old and had been serving in Iraq for two months with the Queen’s Royal Lancers when his Challenger tank came under fire south of Basra.

  • Government Employees Are Evil Trolls Who Live Above Bridges, Under The Sun

    They’re out there, but not in the darkness. Their lairs are well lit, under the rude, barging glare of fluorescent tube lights. Their skin is pasty gray, almost the same color as their cubicle walls.

  • Fears Of A Clown

    You know Wavy Gravy: Before he was an ice-cream flavor, the ultimate 60s icon founded America's longest-running hippie commune, pulled all kinds of wacky political pranks like trying to elect a pig for president, and was the Grateful Dead's "official...

  • Drenched In Acid

    Holy Fuck is made up of lots of different people but most of the work is done by a couple called Brian Borcherdt and Graham Walsh. They never practice, hardly ever shave and wear hoodies that smell of wet dogs

  • Sound And Vision

    KTL isn't the sort of music you play to children. It's music for nightmares. The German phrase it abbreviates-Kindertotenlieder-translates as 'songs of the death of children', so you see where this thing could lead. As an exploration of the space...