The Fear Issue

  • Do It!

    We couldn’t make it to the MOBOs this year. We didn’t go last year either. In fact, we’ve never been. The MOBOs are shit. They represent a large chunk of what is wrong with the world today. Okay, that’s not true, but they could have at least chucked...

  • Records

    50 CENTCurtis50’s Get Rich or Die Tryin’ is this generation’s The Chronic—let’s put that out there right now. But the Gorilla Unit boss has been falling off ever since

  • Sound And Vision

    KTL isn't the sort of music you play to children. It's music for nightmares. The German phrase it abbreviates-Kindertotenlieder-translates as 'songs of the death of children', so you see where this thing could lead. As an exploration of the space...

  • Dream Catcher Earrings

    Pocahaunted make creepy music that eats away at your ears like a plague-ridden tapeworm. It's all low-level drones and voices from beyond the pale that clunk along in a shambolic, rootsified manner that Devendra and his band of catamite followers could...

  • Vice Pictures

    These pictures are from an upcoming book that will come out later in the year. A lot of the people in these pictures are from a local gang in East Nashville that consists mainly of thugs who are obsessed with the movie "Chucky." They ride around in...

  • Tortured Artist

    Vann Nath is a painter from Cambodia. In 1977, he was sent to the Khmer Rouge prison Tuol Sleng, or S-21. While he was there, the guards found out he could draw, and had him paint propaganda posters and countless portraits of Pol Pot. More than 14,00...

  • Fears Of A Clown

    You know Wavy Gravy: Before he was an ice-cream flavor, the ultimate 60s icon founded America's longest-running hippie commune, pulled all kinds of wacky political pranks like trying to elect a pig for president, and was the Grateful Dead's "official...

  • Extreme Magic

    Michael Yonkers makes some of the greatest music you will ever hear. Seriously, the guy’s a genius. Since he started playing guitar in 1962, he’s consistently been making some of the strangest and most amazing rock n roll, noise and...

  • The Godfather: Blackhand Edition

    This is our new video-game reviews column written by Stephen Lea Sheppard, the actor behind two of our favorite characters of all time.

  • Vice Fashion - Magic Happens

    Photos by Liz De La PiedraStyling by Kate Reynolds

  • Tidbits

    RADIOACTIVE TOYSEver since that Chinese guy blew his head off after getting caught painting 18 million toys with toxic paint, all the toy makers over there have decided to avoid any confusion

  • Happy Flowers

    So often, people go on about how crap and terrible our society has become that it's a welcome relief to suddenly find something nice to cheer you up.I was out driving today when I noticed some flowers attached to the railings