The Technology Issue

  • Tramp Booze And 20p Fx Pedals

    During the course of this interview with Horrors guitarist Joshua Third, we experience the following technological breakdowns. 1. Gavin Watson loses his camera bag outside a pub

  • Literary

    CHICKEN: LOW ART, HIGH CALORIE This is yet another one of my forgotten stoned ideas come to fruition. I must be a virtual millionaire in stoned ideas. It is a book documenting fried-chicken

  • Aurally Fixated

    Swedish composer Ralph Lundsten remains one of his generation’s greatest unheralded influences—an intergalactic ambassador who's so accomplished he makes most other mortals look like lazy uninspired slobs. Besides releasing more than 100 records

  • A Twitch In Time

    Daito Manabe is a Japanese video artist who sticks half a dozen electrodes onto his face, synchs them all up to a blippy homemade soundtrack, and proceeds to electrocute himself into a choreography of grimaces and twitches.

  • F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Vs. Killzone 2

    Both F.E.A.R. 2 and Killzone 2 are the newest of first-person shooters. Graphics-wise, both are very good-looking, using head bob, motion blur, limited anti-aliasing, and a variety of graphic filters to supplement the normal array of detailed models...

  • Vice Fashion - Synthetic Polymers

    Photos by Annabel Mehran, Styling by Jaclyn Hodes

  • Epicly Later'd

    These are pictures from Skatopia, a skate park/farm/anarchy commune in Rutland, Ohio. I went there a few weeks ago to film some stuff for a weird TV show unrelated to my own weird TV show. I've been there before, maybe three times, but that was in the...

  • Tech-archy

    After you read this article, we are not responsible for how and when you injure yourself or anyone else. You fucking morons.
