
  • This Australian Guy Wants Your Dirty Fish and Chips Oil

    Tropiculture, a horticultural business in Australia’s Northern Territory, is paying local businesses for their used cooking oil and turning it into plant food.

  • Will Food Allergy Hysteria Destroy Halloween?

    It's sad to think about allergy-ridden children who are unable to go trick-or-treating for gobs of candy. But as awful as it is to be the kid who can't eat chocolate on Halloween, should the rest of us have to give it up because of him?

  • Young Chefs Have Rapidly Improved the Parisian Dining Scene

    As a foreigner to Paris, I've noticed a positive shift in the dining scene since I moved here five years ago and opened my restaurant, Bones. That's not to say the older crowd are entirely down with the casual fine dining thing, though.
