Volume 12 Issue 4

  • The VICE Guide to Rehab

    A good rehab is essentially an anarchist socialist commune with one rule: Don't get high.

  • Grimewatch

    Apart from consuming weed intravenously and the very occasional rock, your average grime kid isn't backing as much drugs as generations of ravers from years gone by.

  • In The Blood

    My father liked heroin. A lot. He liked it so much that I guess one day he went out for a pack of smokes or something and never came back.

  • Totally Fucked Up

    Total Fucking Destruction ARE that fucking high, because that’s exactly what they do!

  • Cut The Shit

    We bought cocaine, heroin, crack, weed, and ecstasy and had them forensically analyzed by a chemist at MIT.

  • Tidbits

    After 60 years of being forced to eat the world's shit for allowing Nazis to flourish, the Germans have gotten pretty used to it.