weird science

  • Visions of L. Ron

    Based on the covers of six L. Ron Hubbard story compilations.

  • The Novelizer

    Sadly, the market for novelizations has begun to dry up. So I called Alan Dean Foster, author of novelizations for many films like 'Alien' and 'Star Wars,' to find out how the science-fiction fans of tomorrow will satisfy their appetite for transmedia...

  • Criminal Chlorination

    There exist gentlemen scientists, who seek to further the field of psychoactive-drug synthesis in the privacy of their own homes. Here I present an interview with a clandestine chemist whose curiosity of forbidden molecules left him locked in a cage.

  • This Guy Bends Hard Rods with His Mind 

    Shit. I’ve been determinedly rubbing this metal skewer for more than 25 minutes and it still doesn’t want to bend. I’m doing everything my metal-bending teacher, Jean-Pierre Girard, has instructed me to: I’m wearing green, stroking the rod tenderly...

  • Turtle Boys

    David Ohle completely vanished from the literary landscape after publishing his 1972 debut novel, 'Motorman.' 'Turtle Boys' is a hitherto unpublished investigation of the mutant anatomy of turtle boys.

  • Kuppy-Cats!

    The room went silent as the scientist slowly opened the cage door and gently removed a two-week-old specimen of his own invention, plainly stating, “Behold the final frontier of cute: the kuppy-cat.”

  • Did This Teenage Brainiac Cure Cancer?

    Fifteen-year-old Jack Andraka invented a tool to diagnose cancer that is 160 times faster, 100 times less expensive, and 400 times more sensitive than previous cancer-testing procedures. We asked him how he got so smart.

  • Letter from the Guest Editor

    I looked deep and found things that palpate the tender abdomen of what we call science with a cold, ungloved finger. Inhale the alkyl nitrites of curiosity and penetrate the puckered sphincter of knowledge, scientia!