Hock Talk


Vice: Let’s talk jewelry.

Rob Larsen:

Videos by VICE

How much do you usually pay out?
Is there anything you are turning down? What’s the weirdest thing anyone’s ever brought in? What’d it look like?
Have you noticed more diverse groups of people selling their shit since the financial sector overdosed on lies? What percentage of people actually retrieve their goods? Besides leather daddies with Prince Alberts, what other types of customers come here?


Vice: Are more people pawning these days?

Mr. Wedenig:
You’re having inventory issues now?
Are most of your loans short-term? What is usually pawned? Are people humiliated when they come in?
Any scabby junkies dropping by? How much does something have to be worth for you to consider buying it? Have you ever had anyone try to sell a person? An annoying wife, maybe?

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