
  • Sex Workers of Bogotá

    VICE News documents a nursery for Bogota's forgotten children.

  • Back-Alley Nurseries in Bogotá's Red Light District

    In a corner of Santa Fe, one of Bogotá’s seedier neighborhoods, a woman named Luz Marina runs a nursery for the children of prostitutes who work in the city’s red light district.

  • The Human Cost of Your Mother's Day Flowers

    This Mother's Day weekend, Americans will purchase more than $2 billion worth of flowers. Almost 80 percent of those come from Colombia, a country where women toil under dangerous conditions in vast farms and factories to cut roses for export. Maybe...

  • Chef's Night Out: Daniel Castaño

    When Colombians get together, they roll deep. So when we went to Bogotá to sample former Mario Batali pupil Daniel Castaño's classical Italian fare at his restaurant, Emilia Romagna, we brought a big-ass bus to cart around the crew.

  • Colombia's Hidden Killers

    The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, was founded 50 years ago as a Marxist army fighting against capitalist imperialism. In recent years, FARC has devolved into a guerrilla force that threatens the people it originally sought to protect.

  • Daniel Castaño

    When Colombians get together, they roll deep. So when we went to Bogotá to sample former Mario Batali-pupil Daniel Castaño's classical Italian fare at his restaurant, Emilia Romagna, we brought a big-ass bus to cart around the crew. And true to form...
