
  • Starving for Fashion

    This week in New York City, hundreds of young girls will hit the runway for fashion week, the modeling world’s Super Bowl. It looks glamorous, but the lifestyle of a model can be a catalyst for poor mental health; I was one of those women who suffered...

  • The Royal Commission Ignores Two Thirds Of Child Abuse

    Issues of abuse in the home in Australia, and what compels abusers to offend remain undiscussed.

  • The Royal Commission Ignores Two Thirds Of Child Abuse

    Australia’s Royal Commission into child abuse is only focusing on a third of the problem. Issues of abuse in the home, and what compels abusers to offend remain undiscussed.

  • Anti-socials

    Last year I travelled up and down Britain for six months to meet and take photographs of people with Anti-Social Behaviour Orders. In case you didn't know, an ASBO is something invented by the Labour government to give out to people who are seen as a...

  • Tourettes Sux

    Remember when you were a kid and the teacher made you name birds on a poster in front of the whole class and one of them was called Bearded Tit, and ever since that day you were "tit girl?" Now imagine that, but instead you yelled "motherfucker."