
  • Elephant Land!

    The latest video from VICE Japan is about a wacky Busch Gardens-style amusement park in Chiba Prefecture. It's owned by a happy rich lady who swings from her elephants' trunks all day and smiles a lot.

  • Some Photographs from the All About Pets Show

    After 20 years, the All About Pets Show remains Canada's largest pet convention. Our pal Nathan Cyprys went out to take photos of all the cute animals and their weird owners. He spent his time being surrounded by howling kids and animals and he loved...

  • Capybara Bathhouse!

    The capybara at Nagasaki Bio Park in Japan love to take dips in the park's hot springs. The park allows visitors to get up close with the animals, so we tried our best to make friends with these shy little beasts.