Graphic Novels

  • Tommy Peepers

    When you peep into a neighbor's window, the neighbor's window also peeps into you.

  • The Creator of 'Hip Hop Family Tree' Talks Rap History and Comics

    Ed Piskor is in the middle of putting out a comic-book history of hip-hop that is pretty much the best history of hip-hop anyone's ever done.

  • Campfire Friends in Spellwich

    In time for Halloween, Valentine Gallardo outlined how to make a spellwich—the best thing you can make with a regular loaf of white bread. One bite will take you back to a memory in your mind, BUT YOU MUST NEVER, EVER, EVER PUT IT IN THE FRIDGE!

  • High School Urban Sex Legends

    Do you know the story about the hot dog girl? It went something like this.

  • Keep It Real

    You know your nerdy co-worker who hits on everyone at office parties? Well, this is the story of that guy.

  • The Peeper

    Every night, the peeper takes out his binoculars and spies on the woman he loves who lives across the street. Unfortunately for him, nobody loves a pervert.

  • Francis and the Railway

    Francis Bear is like Winnie-the-Pooh—if Pooh Bear ate fast food instead of honey, loved beer, and regularly caused car crashes.

  • The Museum of Sex, Death, and Shit

    Artist Lale Westvind's new comic explores one woman's ultimate sex fantasy—a museum full of sex, death, and shit.

  • Insta Clams

    Clams don't have dicks, drink alcohol, or smoke weed, but they do discover that their girlfriends cheated on them through Instagram.