
  • Being a Muslim Sexologist Is a Tough Gig

    Islam isn’t a belief system known for its liberal stance on sexuality. Lately, however, there have been signs that the Muslim world is becoming at least a teensy bit more open-minded when it comes to genitalia. I emailed a Muslim sexologist to find out...

  • Ramadan for the Unsure

    Now it’s Ramadan, the month during which Muslims fast from dawn to sunset for 30 days and celebrate the revelation of the Qur’an. There are times when I can get into the mystery of god, yes. But I don’t always place stock in the idea that my Qur’an...

  • Sacrificing Virgins

    Back in the day, if you wanted God to bless your crops and make them grow high to the heavens, you prayed for rain. If that didn't work, you built a temple or maybe slaughtered a goat. And if that didn't work, well, then you just hacked up the nearest...

  • Don't Bet on the Apocalypse

    Remember those billboards during the summer of 2011 that boldly claimed the world was going to end on May 21 of that year? Those predictions were put together by a California-based Christian cult who is now destitute, because they spent all their money...

  • Jason Collins Shook a Few Bigots Out of the Homophobe Tree

    Jason Collins made his big “I'm gay” announcement last week. Big news like this can't help but be met with a vocal minority of the religious-minded seeing this as a “test” from the man upstairs, and the only way they'll pass is by letting their...

  • Religiosity Is Killing in Mississippi

    Fifty-eight percent of Mississippi's residents describe themselves as “very religious.” The state also lays claim to both the highest teen birthrate and the highest HIV rate in young adults. In this experience we call life, there are plenty of...

  • I Tripped with Allah and Wrote a Book About It

    Ayahuasca drinkers report experiencing the divine in female form. They choose to interpret this in different ways, depending on their backgrounds. As a Muslim, I decided that I would drink with the intention of having a visionary encounter with Fatima...

  • Papal Infallibility Is a Problem for the Catholic Church

    Among the many beliefs that members of the Catholic Church hold is “papal infallibility.” Benedict's resignation is the first instance the Church has had to deal with two people holding infallibility at the same time, which is troublesome.

  • Lifting Up My Skirt

    Last week, after I wrote on “Lift Up Your Skirt,” Lord Jamar’s homophobic diss track against Kanye West, Five Percenters started bombing me on Facebook and Twitter. Over the course of being harassed by internet gods, I faced the notion that I am exiled...

  • Watch This Hero

    When you first start listening to Preacher Phil Snider's speech on gay marriage, you'll probably want to duck out because he sounds like a hateful lunatic who thinks that gays and pedophiles are cut from the same cloth. But stick it out, it's worth it.