
  • A Few Days in Bulgaria

    I dream I’ve been placed in an impossible situation in which suicide is the only appealing option. Not because of imminent physical destruction or incurable medical problems, but because the prospect of extreme, permanent immiseration appears in the...

  • Bucharest Is a Paradise

    According to legend, the capital of Romania takes its name from some guy named Bucur who was either a prince, an outlaw, a fisherman, a shepherd, or a hunter. It's hard to understand how the truth could have gotten so muddled over the years, but it...

  • Children of the Sewer

    Bucharest's foundations are home to dozens of deformed children.

  • The Screaming Policeman of Bucharest

    Behold his wordless rage.

  • Bucharest Rioted for Healthcare

    And they were beaten with bricks and sprayed with tear gas until they had to go to the hospital.

  • Down and Out in Bucharest

    Always a saucy devil, Romania's former Stalinist autocrat Nicolae Ceaușescu was a noisy advocate of boning and rapid population increase.