horrible tv

  • I'm Starting a Website to End Revenge Porn

    Because legislators around the country haven't caught up with the changing technology of the internet, pretty much every scorned ex who wants to degrade their ex-partner by posting intimate photos of them online is totally free to do so without any...

  • What's the Most Disturbing Thing You've Seen Online?

    We've all been subjected to certain sects of vomit-worthy internet fodder depending on what kind of friends we have and how willing they are to show us the kind of stuff they stumble across while trawling the depths of the web, but who's seen what? Is...

  • Date Night Is Hate Night

    Going on a date tonight? Why not read these stories from our friends in the UK about terrible dates and explode with nervous energy to save yourself the inevitable horror, dismay, and depression?

  • People Actually Watch the Draft?

    Three days of interviews with neckless general studies majors from Southeast Conference schools makes for pretty excruciating TV. It's only natural for you to wonder why anyone would watch that.