
IS suicide bombing at funeral kills at least 30 Iraq

Baghdad, the capital city of Iraq, was rocked by multiple terror attacks Saturday shortly before U.S.-backed Iraqi forces were expected to launch a ground and air offensive on the Islamic State stronghold city of Mosul.

The multiple attacks largely targeted Shia Muslims in the Iraqi capital, where a suicide bomber detonated an explosive vest inside a crowded funeral tent filled with mourners, claiming the lives of at least 30 people and injuring more than 60, according to the Associated Press. A witness told AFP that the suicide bomber entered the tent around lunchtime. IS immediately claimed responsibility.

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Seb Walker was on the ground in Baghdad where VICE News captured this footage. Warning: Some of this footage is graphic:

North of the city hours earlier, gunman assaulted a police check-point, leaving eight officers dead and 11 others injured, Reuters reported. Later, attackers entered the house of a government-backed militia leader, killing his wife and three children. He wasn’t present at the time of the attack.

The terror group has intensified its attacks throughout Iraq in recent months as it faces increased degradation on the ground. And on Friday, Reuters reported that an internally staged uprising led by an IS commander looking to switch sides was squashed by the terror group, resulting in the execution of 58 members believed to be in on the plot.