Greg Wayne

  • Why Do I Have a Face?

    h5. ^Francis Bacon, Three Studies for Self-Portrait (1976)^ We are faced with both an immensity of knowledge and an immensity of ignorance in this world. As young children, we ask questions of our parents and teachers until we get no more answers...

  • What is it Like to Be You?

    A few days ago, a friend and I were day-tripping to Flushing to eat Malaysian food. She's a philosophy student, and I’m a neuroscience student; our common ground is that we both have minds that turn on themselves. Over our meal, my friend asked me if...

  • A Short History of Long-Term Thinking, for Our Fifty Thousand Year Time Capsule

    In the year 2014, a space capsule named KEO will be launched into orbit with support from UNESCO and the European Space Agency. Its destination is the planet Earth, 50,000 years from now.

  • We Totally Forgot About You, 2011

    h4. At least 2011 glasses "do exist": 2010, cutting-edge yet boxy and comforting, you are a German-built year. Arthur C. Clarke dreamt of you in 1982 as the next-most-obvious target for a...