Volume 13 Issue 3

  • I'm Busted

    Breakfast in the Feds is served from 6 AM to 7 AM and ranges from coffee cake to pancakes to bear claws to egg-and-cheese bagels to cinnamon rolls to waffles.

  • Literary/I Want My DVDs

    Some of the worst books ever written are those by “former” gangsters or football hooligans about their shitty, pointless lives.

  • Bag Of Shite

    Our UK intern Jack smells funny. It's not because he doesn't shower or anything, it's because he rides one of the dirtiest buses in the whole of London every day.

  • Tidbits

    A few weeks ago we were laughing at our buddy Ryan for claiming that ever since he started wearing matching tighty-whities and T-shirts he can't stop getting laid. It’s like a guy’s version of lingerie.

  • Slimming Down

    Anorexia's not as hard as you think, you just have to get on the train. I know because I didn't eat for ten days and I feel great. Not only that, but I lost the weight.

  • Transilvanian Hunger

    I’m on a mailing list that deals a lot with Iranian National Socialist Black Metal blogs in Persian, and with whether you should rather kill yourself or murder other people. I’m not sure how I got on it, but now that I am, I’m sort of trying to get...

  • Bush Eating

    So, the Aborigines, seemingly in the first few minutes of their really long tenure on the land have developed a menu that reads something like a list of rejected Fear Factor ideas.

  • Vice Fashion - Food Fight

    Photos by Nikola Pejanovic, Styling by Max Eriksson

  • Electric Independence

    One Monday morning a few weeks ago I awoke to discover that my flatmate had returned from another three-day rave bender with a handful of people he’d collected at various after-hours parties along the way.

  • Trashpickin'

    Back when I was the only poor kid at a rich school, I would spend my midday breaks looking for the pricey cookies other kids had left lying around the huge athletic stadium.

  • Wild Berries

    Gossip might be one of the best reasons to get fat. Partly because you're going to need the energy that the extra body fat provides when you go moshing to their utterly energetic, riot-y, bluesrockdisco.

  • I Was Fat

    Three years ago I had a Laparoscopic Gastric Banding, or Lap-Band for short. Basically, it's a plastic band placed around the top part of my stomach. Inside the band is a tube that can be made bigger or smaller, allowing me to either eat more or less.