Volume 13 Issue 3

  • Steak As Fuck You

    Bon vivant/savant genius Chris Lombardi and I recently ate preposterous and stupefying steak in Tokyo. The restaurant, Aragawa, is on the basement floor of an unassuming late-60s apartment building. There's just a tiny food court with two pretty sad...

  • Thin Chicks

    Not all girls that have anorexia or bulimia look like a stick figure with the faintest ghosts of tits. Some of them just look a bit skinny and act kind of squirrelly.

  • Vice Fashion - Food Dudes

    Photos by Giovanni Di Mola, Styling by Jim Krewson

  • Fish And Grits

    What more could be said about Ghostface at this point? The guy epitomizes every single thing this magazine stands for. His musical contributions are unsung, yet unmatched.

  • Gone Hunting

    Scandinavian parents take their kids hunting all the time. You're not allowed to shoot anything until you're 15, so it's mainly just sitting in the forest watching men with guns.

  • Braised Puppy With Assorted Greens

    OK, let’s get this out of the way: It’s illegal to kill, cook, and serve dogs—even in Hong Kong, capital of “exotic” cuisines of the world. Recently California even passed a law that makes it illegal to prepare, sell, and serve foie gras, the national...

  • Gross Jar

    A little over a year ago, we ran an article in which we pitted a friend of ours against some cockroaches (it ended with several of their heads in his mouth-remember?).

  • Vice Fashion - Still Hungry

    Bangladesh is a small country located just below India that somehow manages to exist as one of the world’s poorest, most densely populated and least developed countries in South-East Asia.

  • Children Of The Corn

    Michael Pollan is one of the foremost food and plant experts in America. He wrote The Botany of Desire a few years ago, he teaches about food, plants, and biodiversity at the University of California, Berkeley.

  • National Front Soup Kitchen

    Roger Bonnivard runs a bird shop in a popular paris neighborhood. Roger loves his pets, and he also loves people. He was a militant for the MNR (National Front dissident party) when he founded the SDF association.

  • Fuck Food

    When I was in junior high, I stuck a hot dog up my vagina. It broke in half while it was up there.

  • Keep It Simple

    It would be nice to know how to whip up braised short ribs with almondine rémoulade and country greens strained through champagne and drizzled with truffle oil, or something like that. But look deep inside yourself. Is that really tastier than a BLT?