
  • A British Person's Guide to the US Election

    This election will be decided yet again by these things that keep getting called "swing states." These are the most unhappy places in the union because there are equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans. In these squalid misery-zones, Americans can't...

  • Motherboard Is Liveblogging the Election

    Coming at you from our highly fortified Command Center in Brooklyn.

  • Jay-Z: 99 Problems but a Mitt Ain’t One

    Bruce Springsteen came on stage to support Obama. I mean, I have a fucking Bruce Springsteen tattoo and even I was a little baffled by what the hell he was doing up there. Then Jay-Z came on and rapped about Mitt Romney.

  • On the Road with Obama and Romney: Ugliness in Ohio

    Just when Obama came on stage, a bald white man began shouting from the balcony of the arena. Obama smiled and waved. He spoke again. The man started yelling again. Sheriff's deputies came to remove him. He hung onto the guardrail of the balcony he...

  • Every Politician Lies—but Not as Much as Mitt Romney

    Romney's easy comfort with making chameleon-like changes in response to short-term political opportunities makes him almost as dangerous as a true-believing right-wing nut.

  • Voting Tech Still Sucks

    In next week's election, districts in over a dozen states will rely on glitchy, paperless voting tech. Nothing to worry about. Move along.