
4/20 Anabolic Cinema

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Legend has it that in the early 70s a motley crew of teenagers from San Rafael, California would get together every day after school at exactly 4:20 PM to meet in a secluded location and relieve the day’s stress by partaking in a ritual that has now become known worldwide: projecting films about female users of anabolic steroids. On the evening of 4/20, Spectacle Theater is celebrating this venerable tradition by bringing you a night of films dedicated to female bodybuilders and the performance-enhancing drugs that allow them to reach new heights of strength and physical perfection. Join me (and my tan, shredded, vascularized calves) along with two professional bodybuilders (who cannot be named for legal reasons) at the Spectacle Theater tonight at 8 PM, where we will be serving free protein shakes, screaming through 600-lb squats, and high-fiveing between sweat-drenched sets of donkey lifts. Redefine your notions of femininity, grow as a human being, and celebrate another 4/20 being alive and ready to worship the god of iron. 

Videos by VICE

Spectacle Theater
124 S. 3rd St. Brooklyn
8:00, $5 with free Muscle Milk