
  • Chunklet to Go Go - Slayer Have Some Cool T-Shirts, but Fuck if We'll Wear Them

    "Why not support one of your favourite bands?" you might ask. Simple: The majority of their fans are fucking idiots.

  • The Saga Of True Norwegian Black Metal

    I met Metalion during a drunken night at Oslo's Inferno Festival in 2003. I was impressed by his kind nature and unparalleled knowledge of extreme metal, so we stayed in touch over the next few years, occasionally geeking out over cameras and records.

  • Slayer Rules

    We met one guy in a wheelchair who lost his job for his love of Slayer.

  • 10 "Seminal" Bands

    OK let's cut the bullshit. Nobody's heard Brian Eno before, The Talking Heads are crap, and, besides one album and one other song, Sonic Youth are unlistenable noise. Right?