The Police Can’t Shutdown the Internet: Just Jam Announce Their Next Move Tomorrow

Just Jam by DWTTV

Videos by VICE

Update: The full line-up is above and the event will be streaming live tonight at 6PM. Watch below or via

When we found out that the police had cancelled Just Jam’s event at the Barbican we were really bummed out. They’d booked a bunch of insanely good artists, people like SOPHIE, JME, Big Narstie and Omar Souleyman, to pack out a venue that is usually home to classical music. Willy Wonka style, each performance would have been projected on to a twenty-metre tapestry and out to the rest of the world via the internet. Until the police shut it down (which we wrote about extensively here), we were excited to hear the likes of “Bipp” ricocheting around the Hall’s pedigree walls and then through millions of worldwide wi-fi’s.

Sadly, the show isn’t being rescheduled. Fortunately, the police cannot shut down the internet and tomorrow, at 4PM, Tim and Barry will be announcing a full line-up of something else and at 6PM, they’ll be jumping on the live stream below.

Just Jam by DWTTV

Videos by VICE