  • Taxi to Mars

    VICE profiles Melissa Ede, a transgender taxi driver from England and a successful applicant to the Mars One project, which plans to relocate her to Mars in the year 2024.

  • Bag om 'omvendelsesterapi' for homoseksualitet

    Omvendelsesterapi er en praksis, hvor man prøver at "kurere" homoseksuelle mennesker ved at forsøge på at gøre dem heteroseksuelle gennem vejledning og terapi.

  • Gay Conversion Therapy - Part 3

    Conversion therapy is the practice of "curing" gay people by trying to turn them straight. The practice has been around for a while, but these days it's considered ineffective, harmful, and potentially deadly.

  • Gay Conversion Therapy - Part 2

    Conversion therapy is the practice of "curing" gay people by trying to turn them straight. The practice has been around for a while, but these days it's considered ineffective, harmful, and potentially deadly.

  • Gay Conversion Therapy - Part 1

    Conversion therapy is the practice of "curing" gay people by trying to turn them straight. The practice has been around for a while, but these days it is considered ineffective, harmful, and potentially deadly.

  • ​’Legenden om Cambo’

    Da teenageren Cambos forældre blev skilt, flyttede han ud i Alabamas skove, hvor han boede alene i to år.