Hey, Give Us a Webby!

This is VICE Weekend Editor and frequent Noisey contributor Mitchell Sunderland, modeling a diaper meant to help you comfortably come in your pants while receiving a lapdance from a stripper, standing next to the numerous Webbys VICE and Noisey have won.

Hey! So, a Webby is like a Teen Choice Award, except shitty pop stars your little cousin who hasn’t gotten into weed yet loves don’t win them, websites do! And you don’t even have to be a teen to vote for them! In addition to being honored for our achievements in the fields of Branded Longform Video Content for our Style Stage documentary and getting some love for just being our plain ol’ selves, our series Guitar Moves has been nominated for a Webby in the field of Online Film & Video: Branded Entertainment Unscripted. What does that mean? Well, if you like the below video of Billy Gibbons, Kid Rock, and Matt Sweeney playing guitar together while drinking beers, then you should vote for us! How do you do that? Click here, then click the picture of the lovely Matt Sweeney, and then you’ll be prompted to sign in with your social media account. Then, you’ll get directed back to the voting page, where you can click Matt’s face again, and if you see some numbers, then you’ve voted! Please validate us. We love you.

Videos by VICE