Watch Bat and Ball’s Video For “Stops My Mouth”

A long while ago when I was very heartbroken and extremely stoned I remember morosely scribbling in my diary something along the lines of, “I will miss [insert douchebag boy name] sooooo much. Every siiingle part of my body will miss him. I wonder if my mouth will miss forming the shape of his name.” Talk about emo. I would hope that even as I wrote this—through a waterfall of tears—I laughed at myself. Although I probably just sobbed and spooned my pillow that little bit harder.

All of which leads me to Bat and Ball’s new single, “Stops My Mouth.” The video, premiering above, is a jittery edit of intimate, often uncomfortable close ups, while musically the sibling duo have produced a fitting follow up to the crystalline drama-pop of “We Prefer It In The Dark.”

Videos by VICE

Here the London-based pair, made up of Abi and Chris Sinclair, have colluded together to create a minimalist, melancholic gem in which Abi repeats the seductive refrain: “Your name stops my mouth/It’s dangerous/Your name stops my mouth/But I can’t let go.” I don’t really know what she’s on about, but it’s not a stretch guess that Abi knows a thing or two about getting her heart crushed. She certainly channelled her angst much more eloquently than I did: this is simply beautiful.

“Stops My Mouth” is out on 4.28 via Hospital Samples/Kissability.

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